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Aravali India Marbles & Granites
Aravali India Marbles & Granites

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Antique White Granite

Available Sizes:

Tiles - 60*30*2 cm, 60*60*2cm, 30*30*2cm

Modular Tiles – 61*30.5*1 cm, 30.5*30.5*1 cm

Gangsaw slabs – 300 x 185 cm up in 2 & 3 cm

Cutter slabs – 180 x 65 cm up in 2 & 3 cm

Extra thick / fat slabs – up to 15 cm also available

Countertops and vanity tops – Custom made sizes

​Per container quantity calculation:

2 cm = 64 kilograms / m2, 3 cm = 96 kilograms / m2

Core Strength:

Amongst in the list of top Antique White Granite Manufacturer, Exporter, & Supplier from India, buy high quality Antique White Granite, processed at our granite factory, cheap price from the top White Granite manufacturer exporter & wholesale supplier in India.


In ISPM 15 standard fumigated & fresh sea worthy wooden pallets as per Intl. standards with 100% safety and security of the cargo in it.

Minimum Order Quantity:

One container at least, with 24 metric tons (2 cm = 372 sqm. & 3 cm = 250 sqm.)

For US ports we supply 17 / 19.9 / 21 / 24 / 25 / 27 tons as per instructions.


With 25 years of experience, Aravali Marbles is committed to providing customers with excellence in every aspect of their remodel project in different qualities and sizes. We are the largest suppliers and exporters of both slabs and blocks in different sizes directly from the quarries. We deliver premium quality at competitive rates and within the stipulated delivery time for both commercial and residential projects.

Antique White Slabs Manufacturer
Antique White Slabs Manufacturer

With over 25 years in marble granite slab tiles export and manufacturing,

we have shipped many containers of Antique White Granite

3 cm & 2 cm slabs to wholesalers, distributors, granite

importers, builders, architects and fabricators mainly to

USA, UK, Canada, Algeria, Iraq, Vietnam, Qatar,
Poland, Spain, Morocco, Italy, Russia, Ireland,
Turkey, Oman, Australia…and many more

and have always received positive feedback and repeat

orders from the same clients for their residential

& commercial construction projects.

Antique White Slabs Manufacturer
Może Ci się spodobać...

A Certified Natural Marble Granite Basalt Slate Sandstone Manufacturer, Exporter and Supplier in India

Granit | Granity | Marmor | Marmur | Marmury | Sandstein | Quarzit | Kamien Naturalny | Pedra Arenito | Granito | Quartzito | Graniet | Marmeren | Marbre | Marmoles | Marmair | Granitos | Marmo | Marmors | Mramor | Marmura | Mármore | Mermer | Мрамор | гранит | камень | marmori | pavimentazione | stenfiner | sandsteinkugel | dachówka | okładziny kamienne | kamień formatowany | Mermer lupkiwapienie | Pizarra | Piedra Natural | Calizas | Schody | Indie | Pietre | Naturstein Sandstein | Indien | Inde | Naturstein | Pedra Arenito | Pietra Natural | Indija | Cuarcita | Indië | Kvartsit | Basalto | Arenisca | Schiefer | Kamien Naturalny | Kwarcyt | Lupki | Piaskowce | Halbedelstein Platten

Aravali India Marbles & Granites

Zarejestrowana i główna siedziba:

225/9, Sardarpura, Near Petrol Pump, Udajpur - 313001, Radżastan, INDIE

Telefon/Whatsapp: +91-9829446944 
Telefon: +91-294-2980288 / 2421472.

Faks: +91-294-5102073

Własne i strategicznie dopasowane lokalizacje produkcyjne:

Fabryka Północnych Indii
Działka 214/84, National Highway - 8, Sukher Industrial Area, Udaipur, Radżastan - Indie

Północne Indie - jednostka granitu
Działka 212/8, RIICO Indl. Obszar, faza 1, Jalore - 343001, Radżastan - Indie

Fabryka w południowych Indiach
Plot 812/2, Markapur Road, Chimakurthy, Prakasam (dystrykt), Ongole, AP 523002 - Indie

Południowe Indie - Granit Unit II
51/85-2d, Senkottai, Sivagangai Road, Madurai - 625020, Tamil Nadu, Indie

© Copyright 2005-2025 Aravali (India) Marbles & Granites. All Rights Reserved.

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